Omsi2 – Liepkalne Map

Liepkalne is a fictional city located in Latvia.
Has 6 routes:
1: Ventas iela <=> Alande (~ 18-20 min)
2: Liepajas iela <=> Alande (~ 18-20 min)
3: Ventas iela <=> Dzelzcelnieki (~ 16-17 min)
4 : Beberlinu iela <=> Dienvidu kapi (~ 23-24 min)
5: Dienvidu kapi <=> Lauktehnikas centrs (~ 20 min)
6: Dzelzcelnieki <=> Lauktehnikas centrs (~ 28 min) The
Map is interesting, there is a suburb, and so same informant. Will go well on weak PCs.
The patch was made by me. It adds the missing objects, as well as the bus, which is registered in the AI-list (it is repainted).

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