Trunk Map V1.0 Omsi2

The map contains the following settlements: Magistralny settlement, Goluboy
Khutor, Rodina settlement, Raduzhnoe village.
The following routes operate on the map:
201 – Magistralny village – Goluboy Khutor – Rodina mine – Raduzhnoe village –
Raduzhnayastation. Travel time: 24 minutes
202 – Magistralny village – Goluboy Khutor – Rodina village. Travel time: 14 minutes.
Working Bus 1 – Rodina mine – Goluboy Khutor – Magistralny settlement. Travel
time: 14 minutes
Working Bus 2 – Rodina mine – Rodina village. Travel time: 8 minutes
School bus – Raduzhnoe village – Rodina village. Travel time: 15 minutes.
installation of the card is carried out as follows:
1. Open the archive [OMSI 2] _Map_Magistralniy
2. Open the “Files”
folder 3. Copy the contents of the “Files” folder to the root folder of OMSI 2 (for example:
D: \ Games \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ OMSI 2)
4. Don’t forget to put the Hof file. To do this, open the “HOF” folder at the root of the archive.
Copy the Magistralniy.hof file from the “HOF” folder to the folder with your bus (for example,
D: \ Games \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ OMSI 2 \ Vehicles \ 1_PAZ_3204_02).
5. Launching the map – click “Load map without buses”, otherwise the map
will not appear in the list !
There are objects of the following authors on the map: Alex Azarh, Dark_Wolf, Denlog, Moskur,
Kamaz, mmiki26, Vitaliy L., A. Tafintsev, etc.

Patch download
File Details: ZIP / 1.3 GB
Trunk Map V1.0 Omsi2 Download - Google Drive
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