Category: Bus


Omsi 2 – Liaz 5292.30 Pack Recolors

Liaz 5292.30 Pack Recolors bus mod for Omsi 2. The pack includes 4 standard repainting, MSK White, Green MSC, MSC-old green, blue MSC new, “Our Moscow Mostransavto” and repainting in the corporate colors of...


Omsi 2 – Ikarus 280.02

Ikarus 280.02 bus mod for Omsi 2. Ikarus 280 – articulated city bus sredneprivodny especially big capacity Hungarian firm Ikarus, unreleased in the 1973-2003 years. Contains repainting data buses in the coloring of Obninsk...


Omsi 2 – Volvo 9900

Volvo 9900 bus mod for Omsi 2. This is a “beta” release of the Volvo 9900 project, which means it is playable but missing functions/features, bugs and problems are to be expected.