Omsi Bus Simulator Mods Omsi Mods, Omsi 2 Mods


Omsi2 – LiAZ-5256.13 (2010) 1.0

LiAZ-5256.13 (2010) for Omsi2. * Version: 1.0 • In the creation also participated: Himmel, il_86, Slavok, Denklin, VitalyL, Alexander Syroezhkin, Maxim Huako. Transmission: Automatic and Manual


Omsi2 – LiAZ-5256.58 (2012) 1.0

LiAZ-5256.58 (2012) for Omsi2. * Version: 1.0 • In the creation also participated: Himmel, il_86, Slavok, Denklin, VitalyL, Alexander Syroezhkin, Ivan Andriyanov. Transmission: Automatic and Manual


Omsi2 – Technobus Tribus 4

Technobus Tribus 4 for Omsi2. Technobus Tribus 4 – is not one and a whole pack of buses, which differ among themselves kind of instrument panel, engine, gearbox. By the way there is both...


Omsi2 – Repainting of Hungarian Carriers for Citybus i280

All renamed me to work on our systems. Installation: OMSI 2/Vehicles / Citybus_by_Bustrainz/Texture/Repaints_02 Contains the following custom: Balaton Volán, Veszprém, DUL-003 Borsod Volán Hajdú Volán, Debrecen, DUA-651 Hajdú Volán, Debrecen, Metánbusz, GLA-203 Hatvani Volán,...


Omsi2 – Technobus Tribus – Superbus 2

Technobus Tribus – Superbus 2 for Omsi2. Another model of the bus Technobus. In the package there are 2 versions of Tribus and Superbus with index 2. Among themselves, basically, they differ by the...